Day 1 of creating Blogarijonas

Hello Everyone, today marks the start of Blogarijonas website building. My website is built on Hugo by using the PaperMod theme, so I am writing this in hope that it helps someone struggle less than me.

Profile mode

First thing I decided to do in Blogarijonas is creating the main page. PaperMod theme comes in with built in main page modes, and I chose Profile mode as the one to use, since in my mind is the most fitting for a blog: it easily showcases who the writer is by showing a photo, title and about the writer info. To implement profile mode

Social media icons

Next I added Social Icons, to not spend as much time as me on this quite simple task, I highly encourage you to not just paste code to your config file, becuase it really messes up the indentations. I spent around 20 minutes looking for the bug, and it was as simple as some indentation error. To add social icons follow this


And lastly I created some favicons for the website. Again, spent way too much time on this, even though the config file was correct the favicon was not showing on the local website. I am not sure what the issue was, maybe something to do with cache or adBlock, but after way too much time I decided to simply restart the computer, and funnily enough that fixed the issue. To add favicons follow this Work of art I am currently using as a favicon


I hope this is of some help for some fellow Hugo users!